Program - Entrepreneurship

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A robust certificate program that provides a well-rounded approach for any student interested in entrepreneurship. Each course is designed to provide the necessary background for a student to become an entrepreneur. The courses provide a relevant and sequential learning process for a student to conceptualize and develop a business plan for their proposed business.

  • By completing this certificate, students will achieve the following learning goals:

    1. Demonstrate critical thinking skills involved with various aspects of business ownership.
    2. Investigate state and federal regulatory requirements for specific industries.
    3. Effectively evaluate ethical decision making that involves financial statements and analyze the feasibility of an entrepreneurial idea.
    4. Produce and communicate a developed business plan of your ideal business venture.
    5. Develop and produce an effective marketing plan that addresses our diverse society.
    •  A minimum of 12 semester credits in courses numbered 1000 or above must be completed at ARCC.
    •  A minimum cumulative grade point average (GPA) of 2.0 in courses numbered 1000 or above at ARCC.
    •  A minimum grade of C must be earned in all program requirements.
    • All computer courses must be completed within the last four years.
    • All accounting courses must be completed within the last seven years.
    • All course requirements must be complete before a certificate will be awarded.
    • To complete your program, please submit the appropriate application found here.
    • The requirements of this program are subject to change without notice.


  • The sequence that follows is suggested for full-time students. Part-time students will need more time to complete this program; many courses are offered in the evening.


    16 credits

    BUS 1101 Introduction to Business 3
    BUS 2142 Principles of Marketing 4
    BUS 2215 Legal Environment of Business 3
    Bus 2250 Entrepreneurship 3
    Choose one of the following:

    BUS 1105

    Individual/Corporate Tax 
     BUS 1143  Decision Making with Excel  3
  • The sequence that follows is suggested for full-time students. Part-time students will need more time to complete this program; many courses are offered in the evening or online.

    First Year

    Fall Semester Spring Semester
     BUS 1101  BUS 2142  4
    BUS 1105* or BUS 1143 3  BUS 2250  3
     BUS 2215 3    
    TOTAL  9 TOTAL  7

    *Offered Fall Semester only

  • *Some occupations may require advanced education

    Run a:

    • Brick-and-mortar business
    • Online business
    • International business

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