Program - Creative Writing

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The Creative Writing certificate program will provide students with a focus in the written creative arts including screenwriting and playwriting, the writing of creative nonfiction, poetry, and fiction, and writing for children and young adults. This may culminate in a capstone in one or multiple genres.

  • By completing this certificate, students will achieve the following learning goals:

    1. Demonstrate critical knowledge of a wide range of creative writing and a variety of diverse cultural viewpoints;
    2. Demonstrate expertise in critical analysis of professional works of literature as writers (reading as writers);
    3. Demonstrate knowledge of genres and aesthetics by learning to write well in many forms. This includes a basic command of grammar;
    4. Demonstrate intellectual discipline by narrowing one’s creative focus and energies to produce the most effective work while meeting deadlines and managing time effectively; and
    5. Demonstrate habits of creativity in the forms of creative problem solving, experimentation, inventiveness, and revision.
    • A minimum of 12 semester credits must be completed at ARCC.
    • A minimum grade of C must be earned in all program and additional requirements.
    • All course requirements must be complete before a certificate will be
    • To complete your program, please submit the appropriate application found here.
    • The requirements of this program are subject to change without


  • 7 credits

    ENGL 1120* OR ENGL 1121* Cross-Current College Writing and Critical Reading OR College Writing and Critical Reading  4
    ENGL 2241* Introduction to Creative Writing 3
    *Course has prerequisite - see course schedule or catalog description.
  • Choose two of the following:

    ENGL 2261* Creative Nonfiction Writing 3
    ENGL 2262* Poetry Writing 3
    ENGL 2263* Fiction Writing 3

    Choose two of the following:

    ENGL 2251* Creative Writing for Stage and Screen 3
    ENGL 2271* Creative Writing for Children and Young Adults 3
    ENGL 2281* A Writer’s Life: Paths to Publication 3
    ENGL 2291^ Manuscript Development 3
    *Course has prerequisite - see course schedule or catalog description.
    ^Course requires Instructor permission.
  • *Some occupations may require advanced education

    • Advertising
    • Author News Reporter
    • Biographer
    • Book Critic
    • Communications Manager
    • Communications Writer
    • Content Writer
    • Copywriter
    • Creative Writer
    • Digital Writer/Editor
    • Editor
    • Events Coordinator
    • Freelance Writer
    • Grant Writer
    • Greeting Card Writer
    • High School Teacher
    • Journalist
    • Librarian Video
    • Magazine Writer
    • Manuscript Reader
    • Marketing director
    • Novelist
    • Playwright
    • Proofreader
    • Publisher
    • Radio/TV Commentator
    • Scriptwriter/Producer
    • Speech Writer
    • Technical Writer
    • University & College Professor

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