Program - Sustainability

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The Sustainability certificate program will provide students with an understanding of the foundation of sustainability, as well as insights and tools for encouraging and strengthening environmental awareness and action in their personal lives and communities. The emerging green economy will require individuals with diverse backgrounds as well as knowledge in their individual field. The certificate program will provide students the opportunity to extend their sustainability knowledge beyond the traditional fields. Students will be encouraged to choose courses from a range of disciplines including: environmental, economic, social/cultural, and wellness. Courses will prepare students to holistically view and thoroughly understand system interconnectivity in our changing modern world.

  • To receive this certificate, submit a Certificate Application to the Records and Registration Office.

    Applications are available in Academic Advising Services, or the Records and Registration Offices on either campus.  

  • By completing this program, students will achieve the following learning goals:

    1. Understand what sustainability is, how systems thinking is used within sustainability, and how sustainability applies to various disciplines;
    2. Understand the basics of natural systems and their interactions with humans, as well as the principles and challenges of conservation;
    3. Demonstrate an understanding of the science behind climate change, the interaction of historic climate change and society with respect to technology, social organization, political organization, and other aspects of culture, the potential global consequences of climate change, and strategies for mitigating and adapting to it;
    4. Demonstrate an understanding of global environmental policy and its consequences; and
    5. Understand sustainability across various scales, from the local to the global, as well as the connections that exist between those scales.
    • A minimum of 12 semester credits in courses numbered 1000 or above must be completed at ARCC
    • A minimum cumulative grade point average (GPA) of 2.0 in courses numbered 1000 or above at ARCC.
    • A minimum grade of C must be earned in all program requirements
    • All course requirements must be complete before a certificate will be awarded.
    • To complete your program, please submit the appropriate application found here.
    • The requirements of this program are subject to change without notice.


    NOTE: You are encouraged to contact an academic advisor at 763-433-1230 for course planning assistance and information about transfer credit evaluation and transfer options.

  • 16 CREDITS

    ANTH 1110/GEOG 1110 Introduction to Sustainability 3
    BIOL 1103 Environmental Science Lecture 3
    BIOL 1133 Environmental Science Lab 1
    Choose 9 credits from the following:
     ANTH 2251  Environmental Anthropology 3
     BIOL 2209*   General Ecology 4
     ECON 2206   Principles of Microeconomics 3
     GEOG 1101   Geography of the United States 3
     GEOG 1103   Physical Geography 3
     GEOG 1106   World Regional Geography 3
     GEOG 1108   Minnesota Geography 3
     NATS 1051   Energy Issues and Solutions 2
     PHIL 1120  Environmental Ethics 3
     POLS 1141  Environmental Politics 3
    PSYC 2260/SOC 2260* Social Psychology 3
    SOC 2100  Sociology of Food 3
    SOC 2221* Social Problems 3
    *Course has prerequisite - see course schedule or catalog description.

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