Program - Cybersecurity

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Cybersecurity is one of the fastest-growing career categories in the world and the need for skilled professionals to help prevent damaging and costly security breaches is at an all-time high. The Cybersecurity Associate of Science program places emphasis on the fundamental skills and knowledge required to safeguard an organization’s information and defend systems while preparing students for successful transfer to a four-year institution to continue their studies in computer and/or network security related fields.

Developmental Courses

Some students may need preparatory courses in the areas of English, mathematics or reading. Courses numbered below 1000 will not apply toward this degree.

  • By completing this program, students will achieve the following learning goals:

    1. Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of essential facts, concepts, design principles, policies, laws, and threats relating to computer and network security;
    2. Identify and explain the impact of technology on individuals and organizations, including security and ethical issues;
    3. Configure and administer systems and networks with an understanding of vulnerabilities and defensive techniques utilized to keep data secure; and
    4. Communicate effectively with individuals in and outside of the field.
    • A minimum of 60 semester credits in courses numbered 1000 or above.
    • A minimum cumulative grade point average (GPA) of 2.0 in courses numbered 1000 or above at ARCC.
    • Satisfy residency requirements.
    • A minimum grade of C must be earned in all program requirements.
    • Completion of specific degree requirements.
    • To complete your program, please submit the appropriate application found here.
    • The requirements of this program are subject to change without notice.


    NOTE: Students are encouraged to contact an academic advisor at 763-433-1230 for course planning assistance and information about transfer credit evaluation and transfer options.

  • 30 credits

    CNET 1100 Introduction to Information Technology 3
    CNET 1105 Introduction to Cybersecurity 1
    CNET 2101* Introduction to Networks  3
    CNET 2110* Principles of IT Security 3
    CNET 2114 Fundamentals of Linux/UNIX 3
    CNET 2125*+ System Virtualization 3
    CNET 2220* Cyber Operations 3
    CNET 2230* Ethical Hacking 3
    CNET 2302*

    Routing, Switching, and Wireless Essentials

    CNET 2390* IT Service Management 2
    CSCI 1101*

    Introduction to Computer Science and Problem-Solving

    *Course has prerequisite - see course schedule or catalog description.
  • 30 credits

    Complete at least 32 credits from the Minnesota Transfer Curriculum (MnTC), including all courses listed. You must complete at least one course in six of the ten goal areas. One course may satisfy more than one goal area, but the course credits may be counted only once.

    1. Communication
      ENGL 1120* OR ENGL 1121* 4
      CMST 1110 OR CMST 2215 OR CMST 2220 3
    2. Critical Thinking
    3. Natural Science
    4. Mathematical/Logical Reasoning
      MATH 1200* OR PHIL 1105 3
    5. History/Social/Behavioral Sciences
      ECON 2205 3
    6. Humanities/Fine Arts
    7. Human Diversity
    8. Global Perspective
    9. Ethical/Civic Responsibility
    10. People and the Environment
    *Course has prerequisite - see course schedule or catalog description.
  • The sequence that follows is suggested for full-time students. Part-time students will need more time to complete this program; many courses are offered in the evening.
    Fall Semester
        Spring Semester  
    CNET 1100 3   CNET 2101 3
    CNET 1105 1   CNET 2302
    CSCI 1101 3   Gen Ed 8-10 
    Gen Ed 7-9      
     TOTAL 14-16   TOTAL  14-16

    Fall Semester 
        Spring Semester  
     CNET 2110 3   CNET 2220 3
    CNET 2114 3   CNET 2230 3
    Gen Ed 8-10   CNET 2390 2
           Gen Ed 5-7
     TOTAL 14-16   TOTAL  14-16

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