Program - Integrative Health & Wellness Coaching

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The Associate of Science (AS) in Integrative Health and Wellness Coaching degree program is designed to prepare students to practice client-centered, “whole-person” coaching in a variety of settings. The courses in the program include general education that supports the theory, lab, and clinical educational opportunities in both integrative health and wellness and coaching. Course content also facilitates a thorough understanding of integrative health, wellness, and positive psychology, as well as evidence-based processes for long-term, sustainable behavior/lifestyle change within an increasingly diverse world. Throughout the program, students will be exposed to a variety of content that provides a holistic and practice-based approach to integrative health and wellness coaching. In addition to preparing students for career success within the diverse and growing health and wellness industries, the program is designed to meet requirements for professional certification in health and wellness coaching.

  • By completing this program, students will achieve the following learning goals:

    1. Demonstrate proficiency in oral and written communication, interpersonal skills, critical thinking, and problem-solving skills;
    2. Evaluate the fundamental principles of integrative health and healing, trends in holistic health and wellness, and the complexities of this advancing field;
    3. Demonstrate an understanding of the interconnectedness of mind, body, and spirit of the human system and its application in the integrative health and wellness coaching setting;
    4. Integrate an advanced depth of understanding of the diverse psycho-social, cultural, environmental, and global factors of the human experience as they apply to health and wellness coaching;
    5. Evaluate the role of healing strategies for self-care, including their application within health and wellness coaching, as well as strategies within the healthcare system;
    6. Synthesize the coaching structure and process for tailored application to each client relationship;
    7. Apply key coaching psychology theories, including Motivational Interviewing, to facilitate client positivity, empowerment, self-efficacy, and self-determination;
    8. Identify the growing body of scientific literature to support the efficacy of Integrative Health and Healing as well as Integrative Health and Wellness Coaching;
    9. Describe ethical responsibilities in the practice of holistic healing and integrate the health and wellness coaching scope of practice, legal, and ethical considerations into the coaching practice;
    10. 10. Demonstrate proficiency in health and wellness coaching through the synthesis of the foundational and advanced skills, theory, lab, and clinical educational content; and
    11. Describe holistic healing philosophies and healing concepts with consideration to the social, cultural, environmental, and global perspectives of healing.
    • A minimum of 60 semester credits in courses numbered 1000 or above. 
    • A minimum cumulative grade point average (GPA) of 2.0 in courses numbered 1000 or above at ARCC.
    • Satisfy residency requirements.
    • A minimum grade of C must be earned in all Program and General Education/MnTC Requirements
    • Completion of specific degree requirements.
    • To complete your program, please submit the appropriate application found here.
    • The requirements of this program are subject to change without notice

    NOTE: You are encouraged to contact an academic advisor at 763-433-1230 for course planning assistance and information about transfer credit evaluation and transfer options.

  • 29 credits

    IHH 1100 Introduction to Holistic Healing 3
    IHH 1103 Movement and Body Manipulation Therapies 3
    IHH 2101 Mind/Body Connections 3
    IHH 2102/MASG 2102 Food as Medicine/Biologically Based Therapies 3
    IHH 2103 Spirituality and Healing 3
    IHH 2104 Health and Wellness Coaching Skills 2
    IHH 2105/MASG 2105 Basics in Business and Ethics for the Holistic Practitioner 3
    IHH 2204* Advanced Coaching Skills for a Diverse World 3
    IHH 2290* Integrative Lifestyle Medicine 3
    IHH 2297^ Internship 3
    * Course has prerequisite - see course schedule or catalog description.
    ^Course requires Instructor permission.



    30 CREDITS

    Complete a minimum of 30 credits from the Minnesota Transfer Curriculum (MnTC), including all courses listed. You must complete at least one course in six of the ten goals. One course may satisfy more than one goal, but the course credits may be counted only once.

    1. Communication
      ENGL 1120* OR ENGL 1121* 4
      CMST 2220 3
    2. Critical Thinking
    3. Natural Science
    4. Mathematical/Logical Reasoning
    5. History/Social/Behavioral Sciences
      ANTH 2201 OR SOC 1111 3
      INTS/SOC 1200 3
      PSYC 1110 4
      PSYC 1145 3
    6. Humanities/Fine Art
      MUSC 2135 2
    7. Human Diversity
    8. Global Perspective
    9. Ethical/Civic Responsibility
      PHIL 1110 OR PHIL 1200 3
    10. People and the Environment
    *Course has prerequisite - see course schedule or catalog description.

    1 credit

    HPER/PSYC 1117 Introduction to Meditation and Mindfulness 1


  •  The sequence that follows is suggested for full-time students. Part-time students will need more time to complete this program; many courses are offered in the evening or online.


    Fall Semester Spring Semester
    ANTH 2201 or SOC 1111 3 CMST 2220 3
    ENGL 1120/1121 4 IHH 2101 3
    HPER 1117 1 IHH 2204 3
    IHH 1100 3 INTS/SOC 1200 3
    IHH 2102/MASG 2102 3 PSYC 1145 3
    IHH 2104 2    
    TOTAL  16 TOTAL 15


    Fall Semester Spring Semester
    IHH 1103 3 IHH 2103 3
    IHH 2105/MASG 2105 3 IHH 2290 3
    MUSC 2135 2 IHH 2297 3
    PHIL 1110 or 1200 3 GenEd 4
    PSYC 1110 4    
    GenEd 4    
    TOTAL 16 TOTAL 13


  • *Some occupations may require advanced education

    • Health and Wellness Coach
    • Holistic Health Practitioner
    • Holistic Health Educator/Writer/Speaker
    • Holistic wellness center owner or employee
    • Uncertified Wellness Coach
    • Lifestyle Coach/Consultant
    • Hospital Health Coach
    • Day Spa Assistant/Coordinator 
    • Holistic Retreat Assistant/Coordinator 
    • Health Food Store Manager
    • Health Food Customer Service Representative
    • Herbal/Dietary Supplement Manufacturer Worker
    • Animals Holistic Care
    • Relaxation/Pain-relief Service Worker
    • Chiropractor
    • Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioner/Acupuncturist
    • Massage Therapist
    • Meditation Specialist
    • Hypnotherapist
    • Naturopath
    • Yoga Instructor

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