Report a Concern

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Report a Concern

Do you have a concern about a person's conduct or behavior? We invite you to share your concern here. If you observe a situation that is an emergency, CALL 911.


  • The Anoka-Ramsey CARE Team works with students to find solutions to academic, social and personal situations that may impact the potential for student success. If you observe incidents of concerning, unusual, dangerous or threatening behaviors, please share it with the CARE Team. 

    Share your concern with the CARE team

    Behavior Definitions/Examples

    Distressed Behavior: Students who may be emotionally troubled and/or impacted by a situational stress or traumatic event(s). Examples: anxiety attacks, difficulty concentrating. 

    Disturbed Behavior: Students who may be behaviorally disruptive, acting in an unusual or bizarre fashion, or may be destructive and harmful to self or others. Examples: odd comments, substance abuse/use. 

    Dysregulated Behavior: Students may be suicidal, para-suicidal (extreme cutting, eating-disordered), engaging in risk-taking behaviors (e.g. abuse of substances), may be hostile, aggressive, relationally abusive or have trouble regulating emotions and behavior. 

    Ask yourself, "Is this person at risk to harm themselves or others?" If yes, please complete the CARE Team form.


  • If you become aware of a potential violation academic integrity please complete and submit:

    Academic Integrity Violation Form

    Behavior Examples

    Plagiarism, cheating, and aiding in plagiarism or cheating

  • If you become aware of a student code of conduct violation (Policy 3.F.1), please complete and submit:

    Student Conduct Violation Form


  • Students, faculty, staff, administrators, visitors, community members, vendors, contractors and/or any other member of the campus community who experience or become aware of a possible bias incident may report the incident to the college, using online bias incident reporting form.

    Bias Incident Reporting Form

    Learn more about the Bias Response Team.

Supplementary Information

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