Policy 3G.1 Class Syllabus

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Policy 3G.1 Class Syllabus


Part 1: Purpose

The course syllabus is prepared to provide students with information on the course content, course requirements, and course expectations.

Part 2: Definitions

Subpart A. Course Outline. The course outline is the document approved by the college Academic Affairs and Standards Council and shall include the course title, course description, prerequisites, total credits, lecture/lab breakdown, and student learning outcomes.

Subpart B. Course Syllabus. The course syllabus is a document that contains the elements of the corresponding course outline, standards for evaluation of student learning, and additional information which reflects the creative work of the faculty member.

Part 3: Dissemination to Students

Within a maximum of one week from the first class meeting, the faculty member shall make available a course syllabus to each student enrolled in the course. When courses are offered in a condensed format, the time frame for distribution of the syllabus shall be adjusted accordingly.

Part 4: Dissemination to College Administration

The faculty member shall provide a copy of the current course syllabus to the college administration during the first week of class.



04.1983 Adopted policy

11.2004 Deleted language referring to universities; changed "provided" to "make available".

04.2017 Changed wording in Part 4 to require submission of syllabus during the first week of class.






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