Program - Creative Writing

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The Associate of Fine Arts (AFA) in Creative Writing degree program is intended
to constitute the first two years of a baccalaureate degree program. In addition to lower division introductory coursework in Creative Writing, the 40-credit Minnesota Transfer Curriculum (MnTC) is completed within the degree to facilitate transfer. For assistance in program planning, or to explore additional transfer options, students should schedule a time to meet with an academic advisor. This degree may transfer in part or in its entirety to baccalaureate institutions. Students should meet with a representative of the transfer institution when planning their program.


Some students may need preparatory courses in the areas of English, mathematics, or reading. Courses numbered below 1000 will not apply toward this degree.

  • By completing this program, students will achieve the following learning goals:

    1. Demonstrate critical knowledge of a wide range of contemporary literature and a variety of diverse cultural viewpoints.
    2. Demonstrate expertise in critical analysis of professional works of creative writing as writers (reading as writers).
    3. Demonstrate knowledge of prosody, narrative strategies, forms, genres, and aesthetics by learning to write well in many creative forms. This includes a basic command of grammar.
    4. Demonstrate intellectual discipline by narrowing one’s creative focus and energies to produce the most effective work while meeting deadlines and managing time effectively.
    5. Demonstrate habits of creativity in the form of experimentation, inventiveness, and revision.
    • A minimum of 60 semester credits in courses numbered 1000 or above.
    • A minimum cumulative grade point average (GPA) of 2.0 in courses numbered 1000 or above at ARCC.
    • A minimum cumulative grade point average (GPA) of 2.0 in all MnTC courses.
    • Satisfy residency requirements.
    • Completion of specific degree requirements.
    • To complete your program, please submit the appropriate application found here.
    • The requirements of this program are subject to change without notice.

    NOTE: The requirements of this program are subject to change without notice. Students are encouraged to contact an academic adviser at 763-433-1230 for course planning assistance and information about transfer credit evaluation.

  • 21 credits

    ENGL 2241* Introduction to Creative Writing 3
    ENGL 2261* Creative Nonfiction Writing 3
    ENGL 2262* Poetry Writing 3
    ENGL 2263* Fiction Writing 3
    ENGL 2281* A Writer's Life: Paths to Publication 3
    ENGL 2291^ Manuscript Development 3
    Choose one of the following:
    ENGL 2251*
    OR ENGL 2271*
    Creative Writing for Stage and Screen
    OR Creative Writing for Children and Young Adults
    *Course has prerequisite - see course schedule or catalog description.
    ^Course requires Instructor permission.
  • 9 credits

    Choose a minimum of 9 credits from these courses (these also fill Goal 6 of the MnTC).
    ENGL 2203 The Novel 3
    ENGL 2204 Short Stories   3
    ENGL 2207 Drama 3
    ENGL 2208 Poetry 3
    ENGL 2209 Children's Literature 3
    ENGL 2210 Global Literature 3
    ENGL 2220  British Literature to 1800  3
    ENGL 2225  British Literature since 1800   3
    ENGL 2230  American Literature to 1865   3
    ENGL 2235  American Literature since 1865   3
  • 29 CREDITS

    Distribution requirements are satisfied through completion of the Minnesota Transfer Curriculum (MnTC) listed below. These criteria must be met to complete the MnTC:

    1. All ten emphasis areas listed below must be completed.
    2. A total of at least 40 semester credits from courses listed in the MnTC must be satisfactorily completed. The additional 8 credits to meet the required 40 MnTC credits are embedded in the Program Requirements, as well as satisfying six of the ten goal areas of MnTC. One course may satisfy more than one emphasis area, but the course credits may be counted only once.
    1.  Communication
    (two courses required; one for A and one from B)
      A. ENGL 1120* OR 1121* 4
      B. CMST 1110 OR CMST 2215 OR CMST 2220 3
    2.  Critical Thinking (three courses required)
    3.  Natural Science (two courses required; one from each of two departments; one must include a lab)
    4.  Mathematical/Logical Reasoning (one course required)
    5.  History/Social/Behavioral Sciences
    (two courses required; one from each of two categories)
      A. Economics/Geography  
      B. Anthropology/Psychology/Sociology  
      C. History/Political Science  
    6.  Humanities/Fine Art 
    (two courses required; one from A and one from B or C
      A. Literature  
      ENGL 2202 is required 3
      B. Humanities/Philosophy  
      C. Art/Music/Theatre  
    7.  Human Diversity (at least one course)
    8.  Global Perspective (at least one course)
    9.  Ethical/Civic Responsibility (at least one course)
    10.  People and the Environment (at least one course)

    *Course has prerequisite - see course schedule or catalog description.

  • Any HPER course, one (1) credit

  • *Some occupations may require advanced education

    • Advertising
    • Author News Reporter
    • Biographer
    • Book Critic
    • Communications Manager
    • Communications Writer
    • Content Writer
    • Copywriter
    • Creative Writer
    • Digital Writer/Editor
    • Editor
    • Events Coordinator
    • Freelance Writer
    • Grant Writer
    • Greeting Card Writer
    • High School Teacher
    • Journalist
    • Librarian Video
    • Magazine Writer
    • Manuscript Reader
    • Marketing director
    • Novelist
    • Playwright
    • Proofreader
    • Publisher
    • Radio/TV Commentator
    • Scriptwriter/Producer
    • Speech Writer
    • Technical Writer
    • University & College Professor

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