Program - Art Transfer Pathway Degree

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The Art Transfer Pathway Associate of Fine Arts (AFA) degree program
offers students a powerful option: the opportunity to complete an Associate
of Fine Arts degree with course credits that directly transfer to designated
Art bachelor’s degree programs at Minnesota State universities.
The curriculum has been specifically designed so that students completing
this pathway degree and transferring to one of the six Minnesota State
universities enter the university with junior-year status. All courses in the
Transfer Pathway associate degree will directly transfer and apply to the
designated bachelor’s degree programs in a related field.

  • Minnesota State Transfer Pathways offer students curriculum that is designed to fully transfer to a parallel program at one of five universities in the Minnesota State system:

    • Metropolitan State University: Studio Arts Bachelor of Arts (BA) degree
    • Minnesota State University, Mankato: Art Bachelor of Arts (BA) degree, Art Bachelor of Fine Arts (BFA) degree
    • Minnesota State University, Moorhead: Art Bachelor of Arts (BA) degree
    • Southwest Minnesota State University: Art Studio Emphasis Bachelor of Arts (BA) degree
    • St. Cloud State University: Art BFA, Art BFA (AFA Completer)
    • Winona State University: Studio Art BA
  • By completing this program, students will achieve the following learning goals:

    1. Demonstrate a required level of creativity and technical proficiency in their medium;
    2. Demonstrate an ability to execute images that reflect their own ideas and concepts;
    3. Demonstrate an ability to develop a consistent body of work reflect- ing a concept/theme;
    4. Demonstrate a required level of critical evaluation of their own artwork;
    5. Understand the historical and cultural development of works of art through human history; and
    6. Communicate informed personal reactions to works of art.
    • A minimum of 60 semester credits in courses numbered 1000 or above.
    • A minimum cumulative grade point average (GPA) of 2.0 in courses numbered 1000 or above at ARCC.
    • Some students may need preparatory courses in the areas of English, mathematics or reading. Courses numbered below 1000 will not apply toward this degree.
    • Satisfy residency requirements. 
    • A minimum grade of C must be earned in all program requirements.
    • Completion of specific degree requirements.
    • Each state university has specific program requirements for completion. Please speak with your advisor about requirements at receiving institutions.
    • To complete your program, please submit the appropriate application found here.
    • The requirements of this program are subject to change without notice.


  • 20 CREDITS

    ART 1107 Art History I 3
    ART 1108 Art History II 3
    ART 1115 Foundation Design I: 2 Dimensional Design 3
    ART 1117 Foundation Design II: 3 Dimensional Design 3
    ART 1141 Foundation Drawing I 3
    ART 1170 Foundation Digital Imaging I: Photoshop 3
    ART 2200* Portfolio and Professional Practice 2
    *Course has prerequisite. See course schedule or catalog description.
  • 12 CREDITS

    Choose a minimum of 4 courses, for a total of 12 credits from the courses below. Students are required to take at least one 2 Dimensional course and at least one 3 Dimensional course.
    2 Dimensional courses:
    ART 1142* Foundation Drawing II 3
    ART 1150 Introduction to Graphic Design 3
    ART 1155 Introduction to Digital Photography 3
    ART 1165 Introduction to Black & White Film Photography 3
    ART 1241 Introduction to Painting 3
    ART 1290 Introduction to Printmaking 3
    3 Dimensional courses:
    ART 1161 Introduction to Sculpture 3
    ART 1251 Introduction to Ceramics 3
    *Course has prerequisite. See course schedule or catalog description.

    Choose a minimum of 6 additional credits of Studio Art courses below.
    ART 1116 Design II: Color Theory 3
    ART 1121 Stained Glass I 3
    ART 1122* Stained Glass II 3
    ART 1131 Glass Blowing I 3
    ART 1132*^ Glass Blowing II 3
    ART 1143 Introduction to Figure Drawing 1
    ART 1144 Watercolor I 3
    ART 1145*^ Watercolor II 3
    ART 1151* Graphic Design II 3
    ART 1162* Sculpture II 3
    ART 1164 Pinhole Photography 1
    ART 1166* Photography II 3
    ART 1171* Digital Imaging II 3
    ART 1172 New Media Design I 3
    ART 1173* New Media Design II 3
    ART 1175 Animation I 3
    ART 1242* Painting II 3
    ART 1252* Ceramics: Intermediate Wheel-Throwing 3
    ART 1271 Glass Fusing I 3
    ART 1272* Glass Fusing II 3
    ART 1281 Ceramics: Beginning Hand-building 3
    ART 1282* Ceramics: Intermediate Hand-building 3
    ART 1291* Introduction to Printmaking II 3
    ART 2121* Stained Glass III 3
    ART 2131*^ Glass Blowing III 3
    ART 2132*^ Glass Blowing IV 3
    ART 2133*^ Glass Sculpture I 3
    ART 2134*^ Glass Sculpture II 3
    ART 2165*^ Digital Photography II 3
    ART 2167*^ Photography III: Medium Format 3
    ART 2168*^ Photography IV 3
    ART 2253*^ Ceramics: Kiln-Firing 3
    ART 2254*^ Ceramics: Glaze Formulation 3
    ART 2255 Wood-Fired Ceramics 3
    *Course has prerequisite. See course schedule or catalog description.
    ^Course requires instructor permission.
  • 22 credits

    Complete at least 22 credits from the Minnesota Transfer Curriculum (MnTC), including all courses listed. You must complete at least one course in six of the ten goal areas. One course may satisfy more than one goal area, but the course credits may be counted only once.

    1. Communication 
      ENGL 1120* OR ENGL 1121 4
      CMST 1110 OR CMST 2215 OR CMST 2220 3
    2. Critical Thinking
    3. Natural Science
    4. Mathematical/Logical Reasoning
    5. History/Social/Behavioral Sciences
    6. Humanities/Fine Art
    7. Human Diversity 
    8. Global Perspective
    9. Ethical/Civic Responsibility
    10. People and the Environment
    *Course has prerequisite. See course schedule or catalog description.
  • The following two-year Pathway Plan is suggested for full-time students. Part-time students will need more time to complete this pathway. For assistance with pathway planning, students should schedule an appointment with an academic advisor. See also the college catalog Appendix for course offering information.


    Semester  One  Semester Two 
    ART 1107 3 ART 1108 3
    ART 1115 3 ART 1117 3
    ART 1141 3 ART 1170 3
    General Ed/MnTC 6-7 General Ed/MnTC 6
    TOTAL  15-16 TOTAL  15 


    Semester Three Semester Four
    ART Restricted Elective 6 ART Restricted Elective 6
    ART Studio Elective 3 ART Studio Elective 3
    General Ed/MnTC 6 ART 2200* 2
        General Ed/MnTC 3-4
    TOTAL  15 TOTAL  14-15
    *Course has prerequisite - see course schedule or catalog description.

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