Profile - Yelizaveta Babashova

Student Profile
Simferopol, Ukraine
Question and Answer
What originally brought you to Anoka-Ramsey?
My older brothers and sisters attended Anoka-Ramsey before me, with the same intention of transferring after completing their AA degree. They told me about the great professors and wonderful classes, and how everyone there is always willing to help. They also stressed how affordable the classes are. In a world where college is necessary in order to make something of yourself, I didn’t see it as an option. I saw it as a requirement.
What would you say is the best aspect of Anoka-Ramsey?
The best aspect of Anoka-Ramsey is how helpful all of the staff is. I have made countless appointments with academic advisors, career counselors, and my professors. They all have been so patient and understanding, always answering my questions and giving me advice the best they could.
Do you have any favorite instructors?
The two best instructors that I have had the pleasure of learning under have been Melody Hoffmann and Heidi Croatt. They are wonderful people and have been so awesome with helping and advising me on my future plans. I wouldn’t have been able to make a decision on my major without the help of these two great instructors.
What is one thing you want people to know about Anoka-Ramsey?
Just because Anoka-Ramsey is a community college, doesn’t mean that you’re getting any less of an education than you would a big university. The professors are wonderful and classes are challenging. You really feel like you’re getting an education that’s worth while.
What about the Communication Studies program?
Anoka-Ramsey has a very flexible schedule. There are so many class options--online, hybrid, in-class, online with scheduled meetings, eight-week courses, etc. The excuse of not having any time to get a degree becomes mute when the classes are flexible and the professors are understanding.
Fun Facts
Fast Fact #1
Yelizaveta likes to go by Lizzie.
Fast Fact #2
Lizzie's dream job is to write and travel for a company such as National Geographic.
Fast Fact #3
Lizzie plans to complete her associate of arts degree with an emphasis in Communication Studies at Anoka-Ramsey, then transfer to the University of Minnesota, Twin Cities to complete a bachelor of arts degree in Journalism and Mass Communications.