Profile - Steven Restad

Instructor Profile
Master of Business Administration (MBA), University of St. Thomas; Bachelor of Arts (BA), University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire
Question and Answer
What is your approach to teaching?
Teaching should be more about getting students excited about learning than necessarily memorizing a lot of theories and concepts. The more we can prepare students for success outside of the classroom, the more valuable the learning.
What inspires you as a teacher?
What inspires me as a teacher is when I see students who seems to have so much going against them...succeed! I see this all the time in my courses. As people we are very resilient, and I love it when students who have some very bad luck can put that aside and achieve academic success. I don't really have any significant roles models or heroes because I think we all are heroes in our own right. One book that I read as an undergraduate was Ishmael by Daniel Quinn. You won't think about business, politics or the environment the same way every again after reading this rather short but shocking book!
How would you describe what happens during one of your classes?
The best classes happen when we get lost in a highly interactive activity and everyone participates. These usually revolve around a course theory or concept, and the activities brings the theory or concept to life.
What makes your curriculum interesting or valuable?
I had more than four years of expatriate work experiencing as a staff member in a Japanese company in Tokyo. This filters through all the courses I teach.
How do you think students describe your teaching?
Lively, engaging and maybe sometimes unconventional. Definitely not boring or routine.
What are some ways you help your students succeed?
I interact online daily with my students. I keep a close eye on grades, and when I see students who are not achieving, I reach out to them to see if I can help them make decisions. I also have many contacts in higher education in the Twin Cities region and also with employers. I use these to get my students the information they need or want.
How do you help students get the most out of your classes?
I really keep an eye on my students' progress, and I make connections to current events or other content-focuses.
Fun Facts
Fun Fact #1
I taught swimming lessons and was a lifeguard throughout my entire undergraduate degree program.
Fun Fact #2
I'm married to someone from outside the United States (Japan) and have three bilingual, bicultural kids.
Fun Fact #3
My favorite dessert is Turtle Cake from Cafe Latte in St. Paul, Minn.