Program - Global Studies

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The Global Studies Certificate introduces students to the interdisciplinary study of global affairs. Students will come to understand the connection between social, political, and economic forces that impact our well-being and relationships around the globe. With this increased understanding, students will be better prepared to effectively communicate with others as global citizens in our pluralistic world. This Certificate is intended to complement any professional pathway that appreciates skill and commitment to global understanding and citizenship. 

  • By completing this program, students will achieve the following learning goals:

    1. Student will demonstrate an understanding of the interdependent impact of political, social, and economic facets upon our well-being in a global world.
    2. Student will develop tools for engagement and effective advocacy as a global citizen.
    • A minimum of 12 semester credits must be completed at ARCC.
    • A minimum cumulative grade point average (GPA) of 2.0 in courses numbered 1000 or above at ARCC.
    • A minimum grade of C must be earned in all program and additional requirements.
    • All course requirements must be complete before a certificate will be awarded.
    • To complete your program, please submit the appropriate application found here.
    • The requirements of this program are subject to change without


  • 14 CREDITS

    HUM 1200 Introduction to Global Studies 3
    Global Course (Two Courses Required, Minimum 6 Cr.)
    ANTH/GEOG 1110 Introduction to Sustainability 3
    ANTH 2201 Introduction to Cultural Anthropology 3
    CMST 2210  Intercultural Communication 
    ENGL 2210  Global Literature 
    GEOG 1106  World Regional Geography
    HIST 1103  Contemporary World History 
    HIST 1111  Modern World Civilizations I: 1500-1870
    HIST 1121  Modern World Civilizations II: 1870 to the Present 
    HUM/WGST 2234  Women in Global Perspective 
    MUSC 1101  Introduction to World Music 
    PHIL 1115 Comparative World Religions 3
    Area Course (Minimum of 5 Cr.)
    FREN 1101 Beginning French Language and Culture I 5
    FREN 1102 Beginning French Language and Culture II 5
    FREN 1111/HUM 1311    Introduction to French Culture 3
    GEOG 1101 Geography of the United States 3
    GERM 1101 Beginning German Language and Culture I 5
    GERM 1102 Beginning German Language and Culture II 5
    GERM 1111/HUM 1211 Introduction to German Culture  3
    GERM 2201 Intermediate German Language and Culture I  4
    GERM 2202 Intermediate German Language and Culture II  4
    HIST 1160 History of Africa 4
    HIST/WGST 2242 History of Women in Modern America 3
    HIST 2280 History of Immigration and Ethnicity in the United States 4
    HUM 1511 Introduction to Islam and Culture  3
    HUM 1611 Arab History and Cultures  3
    HUM 2231 Introduction to Africa 3
    HUM 2232 Women in Western Civilization 3
    HUM/WGST 2233 Women in American Culture 3
    SPAN 1101 Beginning Spanish Language and Culture I  5
    SPAN 1102 Beginning Spanish Language and Culture II
    SPAN/HUM 1111 Spanish and Latin American Culture: Pre-Columbian Civilizations 3
    SPAN/HUM 1112 Spanish and Latin American Culture: Conquest to present
    SPAN 2201 Intermediate Spanish Language and Culture I 4
    SPAN 2202 Intermediate Spanish Language and Culture II 4
  • The sequence that follows is suggested for full-time students. Part-time students will need more time to complete this program.


    Fall Semester Spring Semester
    HUM 1200 3 Area Focus Course(s) 5-8  
    Global Focus Course 3-4    
    Global Focus Course 3-4    
    TOTAL 9-11 TOTAL 5-8


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