College Committee Minutes

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College Committee Minutes

  1. Each committee must select a recorder. 
  2. Recorder will email draft minutes to committee members for approval within approximately one week of the meeting or at the next established meeting. 
  3. Recorder makes recommended changes to the minutes, with approval from the Chair/Co-Chairs if needed. 
  4. Within two weeks following final approval of meeting minutes, the chair saves minutes in the committee’s shared drive folder (ARCC - N:\ARCC Public\Committees, ATC – S:\Committee & Other Meeting Minutes).
  5. The Chair or the recorder may inform employees via the official communication method. 
  6. Minutes should include the following: Date, time & location of meeting, members present, topics discussed, action items and person(s) responsible for actions. Attachments to the minutes may be posted if desired by the Chair. 
  7. The Chair may choose the format he/she prefers for minutes.
  8. All committees as listed on the college committee list (as approved by FSGC) are expected to take minutes and submit those items as stated in Item 4. 


04.2014 Adopted 

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